How I find inspiration in everyday life.

Get the freebie here. 13 extra ways to find inspiration.

Inspiration is everything. I think I need it like I need water. There has been two spots in my life when I couldn’t make art for a time. I believe what kept me being an artist and feeling that absolute lust for life was feeling inspiration to create, even when I couldn’t.

I’ve had different relationships with inspiration. I think before I would try and wrestle inspiration to me. I would feel inspiration brush by my shoulder and then I would grab it and try and tie it down. As I worked I would feel it start to suffocate and then it would slowly leave me.

Now when I feel inspiration visit I try and stay open and keep listening. Like being in a mediative state where I’m not looking for answers but more so staying curious.  I treat inspiration like an interesting guest and I want to be a welcoming host so it stays for a long time and keeps coming back to visit.

When I treat inspiration like this it seems like I can get inspired by everything. It’s like I keep uncovering secrets and mysteries that are all around me. Like how the sunlight comes through my kitchen in the evening and makes the food on my countertop glow, or how hearing just the title of a musical piece my brother composed called, “They Might Be Gods”, has inspired a whole world of characters and mythologies that I want to paint and write about… But that’s a story for another time.

But what about when I’m not feeling inspired by everyday life and I haven’t felt inspiration for awhile. Then I need a shock to the system. That’s when I need to go out and visit the big inspirations instead of waiting for inspiration to visit me. For me this is going out in nature. Visiting masterpieces in museums. And Listening to music that is thick with atmosphere. That usually does the trick, especially if I can combine all 3 of those things.

Then when I go back to my everyday routine I consciously try and keep my eyes wide open to inspiration. Stay curious for that wonderment in smaller doses. The more I consciously do that the easier it seems for inspiration to find me everyday.

If you aren’t feeling inspired I have 13 ideas for you to find inspiration. These are things that I do. I already gave you three- getting out in nature, listening to music, and going to an art museum. Check out this FREE pdf to get the freebie for the other 13.

your artist friend,

Jennifer Marie Keller


What it’s like studying Art history in Italy.


How I got started as an Artist